Having met in 2019, survived lockdown together, and raised a horde of four legged friends we have decided now is the time to move on to the next chapter of our lives and get married. We hope you'll all help us celebrate this occasion.
Thank you all for being a part of our lives over the years.
An exclusive venue with its own private car park
Great North Road
Seaton Burn
Newcastle upon Tyne
Tyne & Wear
NE13 6DF
Take the A1 to junction 80 (A19). At the Seaton Burn roundabout take the first left, sign-posted Blagdon Dinnington.
Continue along Old Great North road for one mile.
The entrance to Shotton Grange is on your right opposite the entrance to Blagdon Estate, and is just after the Ponteland junction.
Borderline Taxis: 0191 2501476
Target Taxis: 0800 220221
Please let us know if there are any particular dietary requirements you'd like us to be aware of.
Family children only however if this is a problem please speak to us.
Your presence is the only gift we need, however if you would like to do more, contributions to a honeymoon would be gratefully received.
Please respond by 31st July to s.nickells.family@gmail.com
Thank you